Monday, January 5, 2009

Living out loud, Cecil the chauffeur, and other random thoughts

Michael asked me earlier if I would post anything to the blog today. It hasn't been an extraordinarily eventful day, and I am really struggling for a topic. So, for your reading pleasure, I thought I would share a few random thoughts that came to mind today.

Random thought #1:
I want to teach Ryann lots of things that I have learned in the last 35+ years. One thing that came to mind today is to teach her to live life so that she doesn't have regrets, and more importantly, to live out her faith BOLDLY! I pray that she will live life on purpose for God and that He will instill in her a servant's heart, tender and compassionate.

Moral of the story: LIVE OUT LOUD!

Random thought #2:
When I took the car to get it serviced and tuned up this morning, I didn't know that I would be at the service center so long that I would have to get a driver to take me to pick up Ryann from preschool. Cecil was our "chauffeur." He is 81, and his job is simply to shuttle people to their respective homes or jobs. It was a short drive to the church and then home, but I had the most pleasant discussion with him. He is such a sweet man and from the conversation that I had with him this afternoon, I believe he loves the Lord. I would love to have had the time to chat with him longer.

Moral of the story: There is so much to be gleaned from spending time with and listening to our elders. They deserve our love and our respect.

Random thought #3:
I had an opportunity when I was a teenager to minister to an ailing elderly relative (actually, I think he was dying of lung cancer). As he laid at his home in what would eventually be his death bed, all he wanted from my sister, my cousin, and I was to come and sing hymns for him. How hard is that?!? I didn't want to do it. It would make me uncomfortable, I thought. Looking back now, I am ashamed and saddened because I only went once to sing for him. Because of my own selfishness, I missed out on the blessing of bringing a little joy to someone who needed encouragement.

Moral of the story: Don't miss out on the blessing of doing good for someone in need.

Random thought #4:
I really don't like "The View." I was reminded of that at the service center this morning. Even worse than "The View" is "The View" without Elisabeth Hasselbeck, which was the case today!

Moral of the story: Do yourself a favor and just don't turn on your TV during the day -- you really won't miss a thing!

Random thought #5:
I highly recommend that next Christmas, you head to your local Trader Joe's and purchase multiple boxes of their "Dark Chocolate Covered Peppermint Joe Joe's." You will be glad you did!!! They are by far the best store-bought cookie that I have ever had!

No moral here, just pure pleasure for your taste buds!

1 comment:

  1. The Davis house consumed about 3 boxes of the Peppermint JoJos this year! We are gluttons for punishment
