Monday, January 12, 2009

Hello Kitty!

We decided last night as Ryann was coughing her head off that it wouldn't be a good idea to send her to preschool this morning. She didn't seem to be feeling poorly, but her coughing told the real story. So, when she woke up early this morning, or should I say, when her incessant coughing woke her up, our decision not to send her to school was affirmed.

Unfortunately, though, we still had to go to school this morning. I signed up to take play dough for Ryann's class this month, and because I completely forgot about it last week, I HAD to take it this morning. So, we got ready as usual, only we didn't take time to eat breakfast. We decided, instead, to take the play dough to school and then go grab a bagel at a local bagel bakery.

We both got our favorites: Ryann had a chocolate chip bagel and I had a cinnamon-raisin bagel with honey walnut cream cheese. YUMMY! If you know my Ryann, you know that she eats slower than grass grows. So, I knew we would be there a while.

Around 10:00, a nice lady came up to our table and offered Ryann a coloring page with some crayons and made her a pink balloon flower. I thought she was just being nice until I saw a couple of little boys come in who seemed to know her. I finally figured out that the lady was a regular Monday morning fixture (and so were the boys). As Ryann continued to work on her bagel, the lady came back with another balloon creature, this time a blue dog.

When Ryann was (finally) finished with her bagel, she colored the picture that the lady had given her. At that point, she realized that there was more to the lady than just crayons and balloons -- she was painting kids' faces, too! When Ryann first asked if she could get her face painted, I was reluctant to say 'yes.' Then I caved. The poor kid was sick all weekend and had to miss out on playing with her friends at school. How could I say 'no?'

Ryann waited in line very patiently for her turn at the face painting. When she got into the chair, she asked the nice lady to paint her face like a kitty (another of her favorites). What a fun "sick-day" treat!

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